
Erasmus PlusFuturum arranges professional internships and vocational trainings for students and faculty, young professionals and experts in various subject areas under the auspices of the EU funded Erasmus + program.

The beneficiaries gain practical training, theoretical knowledge and develop new skills closely related to their education or professional interests. Futurum program places the participants in a company, an academic institution or an organization whose activity or mission closely corresponds with the project leading subject and the participants‘ professional and educational needs. The participants can practice individually, in teams or under supervision of an assigned tutor.

The goal of the project is for the beneficiaries to gain new experience and skills in a foreign environment in order to be able to compete on the global markets and more efficiently pursue their educational and professional goals.

Futurum programs offer city tours, cultural events and language courses as additional elements of the professional internship agenda. Besides the practical approach the organizers also provide the participants with general context and briefing on the program leading subject as it relates to Polish reality and conditions.

See what branches we work in here.

We also serve as a consultancy on all aspects of European cooperation, initiatives and development projects as well as on a labour market issues and new local vocational approaches. We took part in many transnational educational projects, working on many different issues of vocational learning.

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